St Paul's
Garda Medical Aid Society
Garda Crest
Latest Circulars 1st Jul 2024 Treatment Abroad
  25th Mar 2024 Notice of AGM 2024
  14th Dec 2023 Christmas Circular 2023

Cumann Naoimh Pól Liaigh-Chonganta an Ghárda
(St. Paul's Garda Medical Aid Society)


Registered under the Friendly Societies Act, 1896


Rule Number
Accounts 44, 45, 52
Adjournment of Meeting 40
Annual General Meeting 28, 35, 36, 40
Amendment of Rules 55
Annual Returns 49, 50
Secretary 24
Audit 46, 47
Bank Account 42
Benefits - Application for 13, 14, 15, 16
Benefits - Determination of 11, 12
Committee 17, 18, 19, 20
21, 22, 26, 38
Constitution 2
Copies of Rules 54
Correspondence 65
Dissolution of Society 60
Disputes 59
Extraordinary General Meeting 29, 32, 33, 35
Expenses 43
Forms 64
Funds 7, 10
Inspection of Books and Accounts 48
Interpretation 66
Investments 41
Meetings of Committee 30, 31, 34, 38
39, 40
Membership of Society 5, 6
Nomination Form Schedule 1
Objects and Purposes of the Society 4
Officers 21, 27
Quinquennial Valuation 47, 51
Quorum at Meetings 39
Recording Secretary 25
Registered Office 3
Requisition to Convene Meetings 32
General Manager 22, 65
Settlement of Disputes 59
Special Meetings 31
Standing Orders 61, 62, 63
Sub-committee 37
Subscriptions 8, 9
Termination of Membership 6
Title of Society 1
Treasurer 23, 44
Trustees 56, 57, 58
Winding up of Society 53


1. The title of the Society shall be “Cumann Naoimh Pol Liagh-Chonganta an Gharda” (St. Paul’s Garda Medical Aid Society) hereinafter in these rules referred to as “the Society”.


2. The Society is a friendly Society composed solely of members of An Garda Siochana, Student members of An Garda Siochana, retired members of An Garda Siochana and former members of An Garda Siochana entitled to a Garda Pension who are or were holders of the Society's Comprehensive Health Insurance Contract on the date of retirement or to leaving the Force, all of whom are appointed under Sections 9, 10, 13, 14 and 52 of the Garda Siochana Act 2005 or under an enactment repealed by that Act, all of whom are paying the current subscription and all of whom are entitled to register dependants as defined in Rule 66(k) and their widow and widower or partner on cover with the Society at the demise of the member. Membership of the Society ceases on the demise of the widow, widower or partner who are precluded from nominating any future spouse/partner or children as dependants.


3. The registered office shall be in the Republic of Ireland at such place as the Committee may from time to time determine. In the event of any change in the situation of the Registered Office, notice of such change shall be sent within fourteen days thereafter to the Registrar of Friendly Societies in the form prescribed in the Statutory Regulation in that behalf.


4. The Society is established for the purpose of providing by the voluntary subscriptions of the members, by contributions and donations, or otherwise, a fund or funds, out of which the Committee may, subject to the provisions of these rules and the schedule of benefits:
(a) Afford the necessary facilities to members of the society in procuring specialised medical and surgical treatment and
(b) Grant relief to members of the Society in such cases as the Committee consider deserving of consideration because of special hardships which have arisen.


5. Membership of the Society shall be open to:-
(a) The persons defined in Rule 2 who apply for membership.
(b) An applicant for membership of the Society shall, prior to his admission as a member thereof, agree to pay a subscription to the funds of the Society at such time and in such manner as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Committee.
(c) On payment by a member of his first subscription he shall be deemed to be a member of the Society and to accept and be bound by the Rules thereof.
(d) Any member, former member, widow or widower not applying as provided for above shall not be admitted to membership of the Society except by approval of and under the conditions laid down by the Committee whose decision shall be final.
5.1 Initial Waiting Period
An initial waiting period from the date the contract commences during which no benefit is payable, will apply to all new entrants to the Society, who do not currently hold or held within the previous 13 weeks a private health insurance contract with a licensed medical insurer within the State as follows;

New MemberInitial waiting period of 26 weeks
Maternity CoverInitial waiting period of 52 weeks
Newborn/Adopted childCovered providing he/she is named on the policy and appropriate subscription is paid.

Upgrading Cover
On transferring from another medical insurer a "waiting period" of 2 years will apply to any enhanced in-patient hospital benefits or enhanced out-patient benefits provided by the Society over and above that provided under your previous medical insurance contract.
5.2. Pre-existing Condition Waiting Period
A pre-existing condition waiting period of 5 years from the date the contract commences during which no benefit is payable, will apply to all new entrants to the Society, who do not currently hold or held within the previous 13 weeks a private health insurance contract with a licensed medical insurer within the State. A pre-existing condition means an ailment, illness or condition, the signs or symptoms of which existed at any time in the 6-month period prior to becoming a new entrant to the Society. Medical insurance cover for that particular ailment, illness or condition will only commence after 5 years of continuous health insurance cover.
5.3. Break in Cover
If there is a break of more than 13 weeks in your health insurance cover with the Society or any other medical insurer an application to rejoin the Society will be treated as a new application and the waiting periods as at 5.1 and 5.2 will apply.
5.3(a) Where a former Member ceased or was excluded from membership of the Society while owing subscriptions, submits an application to rejoin the Society, the committee at its discretion will determine the conditions to apply in respect of the outstanding subscriptions.


6. A member of the Society shall cease to be such on the happening of any of the following events:
(a) Where a member of the Society in the opinion of the committee misapplies or fraudulently claims or obtains or attempts to obtain any monies of the Society.
(b) Where a member of the Society on his failing to pay his subscription for a period equivalent to 12 weeks subscriptions in any one year provided always that in this event his name shall not be removed from the Register of Members by the rules compliance committee unless he shall have failed to pay the arrears of subscriptions outstanding within seven days after notice in writing shall have been served on him by post requiring him to do so at the registered address the Member has provided to the Society.
(c) Where a member of the Society on his giving one months notice in writing to the Society of his intention so to do and on the expiration of such notice he shall cease to be a member.
A member of the Society ceasing from any cause to be a member of the Society shall not be entitled to a refund of any monies subscribed by him to the Society during his membership thereof.


7. The funds of the Society shall consist of:
(a) Subscriptions received from members of the Society.
(b) Interest on the investments of the Society and profit accruing from any such investment, including profit from purchase and/or sale of any freehold or leasehold property.
(c) Donations, bequests, or other monies, received from any person or persons.


8. The subscriptions of the members of the Society shall be at the rates agreed from time to time by the committee of the Society. It is the sole responsibility of the member to ensure that his correct address is recorded at the Society and that he is aware of all persons insured under his policy and in respect of whom he pays the appropriate subscription and to inform the Society in writing or by email where he wishes to discontinue the medical insurance cover of any dependant. The Society reserves the right to inform such dependant of the termination of their cover. Where a member's medical insurance subscriptions are in arrears, the Society reserves the right to withold payment of any or all medical claims and/or use the proceeds of any such claims to reduce the arrears due until such time as the arrears are eliminated.

8.1 Age at entry loadings
The age at entry loadings as set out in Statutory Instrument number 312 of 2014 of 2% for each year by which a member's age exceeds 34 years subject to a maximum loading of 70% at 69+ years of age will apply for any person taking out health insurance for the first time. Creditted periods will apply which will reduce a persons age at entry where that person had health insurance previously or were in receipt of a relevant social welfare payment as set out in the above Statutory Instrument.
8.2 Mandatory Discounts for Young Adults
The mandatory discounts on the adult premium to apply to young adults as set out in the terms of the Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 2014 have been adopted in full by the committee of the Society. The effect of these discounts on young adult subscription rates is set out in the Schedule of Benefits which is revised annually.


9. The first subscription to the Society shall be payable as soon as conveniently possible after the coming into operation of these rules and thereafter subscriptions shall, subject to the provisions of this rule, be payable as may from time to time be prescribed by the committee.


10. The funds of the Society shall be applied as follows:
(a) in carrying out the objects and purposes of the Society,
(b) in paying the expenses of management,
(c) in purchasing in any freehold or leasehold estate and property for the benefit of the Society in accordance with the rules of the Society.
Any member of the Society misapplying the monies thereof shall repay the amount misapplied without prejudice to his liability to prosecution for such misapplication.


11. The benefits given by the Society directly to its members shall be in the nature of a monetary grant or a weekly allowance, or both. Determination as to the validity of claims shall be in the discretion of the Committee. The amounts to be paid shall be in accordance with benefits approved by the Committee and in existence from time to time and subject to the limits set by the Friendly Societies Act1896.
The Committee may in its discretion require as a prior condition to the grant of benefit that the applicant shall secure medical treatment or advice in an institution or from a medical practitioner approved by the Committee.
Alternatively to benefit by way of monetary grant or allowance the Committee may require an applicant for benefit to obtain medical treatment or advice or both in an institution or from a medical practitioner approved by the Committee. Subject to the provisions of these rules, the Committee shall, if satisfied that a case is eligible for and deserving of benefit from the Society, grant such benefit.
It shall be at the discretion of the Committee to pay such benefit directly to such medical practitioner or institution.


12. Where a member of the Society or any of his/her nominated dependants incurs expense or suffers hardship and it is subsequently found that a third party is liable for such expense or hardship, then, if such expense or hardship has already been defrayed by the Society, it shall be refundable by the member to the Society. The said member of the Society will be required to provide a signed legal undertaking acknowledging his/her liability for the medical expenses incurred by him/her and/or one of his nominated dependants.
(a) Where a member of the Society or any of his/her nominated dependants compensation claim against a Third party is settled and he/she fails or refuses to refund such expenses claimed from and paid by the Society, the committee reserves the right to deduct such expenses from the member's medical claims and/or employ all legal means to recoup the debt to the Society including pursuing the matter through the courts. (b) Where a member of the Society or any of his/her nominated dependants compensation claim against a Third party is settled and he/she fails or refuses to refund such expenses claimed from and paid by the Society, the Rules Compliance Committee having investigated all aspects of the matter may expel such member from the Society.
(c) Following expulsion from the Society and on written application to rejoin having first reimbursed the outstanding expenses defrayed by the Society, the Committee may re-admit the member and apply a “waiting period” before the benefits of the Society apply.


13. Every application for benefit from the Society shall be made in writing. The application shall be made on a form to be provided for that purpose by the Committee. It shall be properly completed and transmitted to the General Manager. It shall be a prior condition to the grant of any benefit by the Society that the application for such benefit is made within three calendar months of the date the expense involved in the particular application was incurred unless in exceptional circumstances.


14. Every application for benefit from the Society must, unless otherwise determined by the Committee either generally or in a particular case, be accompanied by original itemised bill(s) and original receipts for the amounts expended by the member.
The Committee may refer to, or discuss with, the surgeon of the Garda Siochana or any duly qualified medical practitioner(s) or any other person or institution from whom/which a supporting bill/receipt has been obtained, any application for benefit under these rules.


15. Benefits paid under these rules shall be confined to paid up members of the Society and their registered dependants. It shall be the responsibility of the member to ensure that his subscription is at all times up to date and that all his dependants are registered. All members must register change in status (marriage, birth of children etc.) within two calendar months of such change.


16. All benefits under these rules shall be paid out of the income of the Society. Provided, however, that the total paid in such benefits in any financial year shall not exceed the income of the Society for that year together with any balances remaining undisposed of at the end of the previous financial year.
In these rules the expression financial year shall be the year commencing on first day of January of any year and ending on the thirty first day of December following.


17. The Committee shall consist of twenty members of the Society, nine of whom shall be nominated by the Staff Associations on the basis of six from the Garda Representative Association, two from the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors, and one from the combined Representative Bodies for Superintendents and Chief Superintendents, one of whom shall be nominated by the Garda Siochana Retired Members Association and ten of whom shall be elected prior to the Annual General Meeting every fifth year with the next election taking place in 2020 and every five years thereafter, by means of postal ballot based on provinces as follows:
Connaught/Ulster, 2 members; Munster, 3 members; Leinster (excluding Dublin City and County), 2 members; Dublin City and County, 3 members.
(a) In order to be eligible for election to the Committee a member may only contest the election for the province applicable to the registered address he has provided to the Society. He must have his subscription paid up to date and must be nominated and seconded in writing by two other members of the Society in that province. He shall indicate his willingness to accept the nomination in writing. The nomination shall be with the General Manager not less than 8 weeks before the Annual General Meeting. The names of the nominees of the Staff Associations and Garda Siochana Retired Members Association must be notified in writing to the General Manager of St. Paul’s Garda Medical Aid Society prior to their participation at a meeting of the Committee.
(b) The nominated and newly elected members of the Committee shall take up office on the first day of May 2025 and on the same date every five years thereafter.
(c) Candidates for election to the committee on request in writing will be provided with the names and addresses of the electorate in his/her electoral province and will ensure the security and confidentiality of the data and that it is used solely for electoral purposes.


18. The Society shall be governed by the Committee who shall have full power to superintend and conduct the business of the Society subject to, and in accordance with the rules thereof, and shall in all things act for and in the name of the Society. The Committee shall be responsible to the Annual General Meeting for the proper administration of the affairs of the Society. It shall have the power to appoint a manager and staff. The Committee shall see that the books of the Society are regularly kept, and that all minutes and resolutions are correctly entered and carried into effect, and shall control and direct the duties of the General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Secretary and Treasurer (See Rules 22, 22A, 23, 24).
18(a). Each member of the committee and trustee of the Society on taking up office shall sign a written declaration stating that during his/her term of office or any time thereafter, he/she shall not disclose or permit to be disclosed any medical or other information concerning a member of the Society or his/her registered dependants, except with the expressed authorisation of the committee.


19. The office of a Committee member shall be vacated
(a) if he resigns from office provided that he gives twenty one days notice in writing to the General Manager of his intention to do so.
(b) if he ceases to be a member of the Society.
(c) in the case of an elected member if his registered address with the Society is not within the region or in the case of a retired member or retiring member is not residing in the region he is elected to represent, except where the member does not change address on retirement.


20. Where it is alleged that a member of the Committee by an act of commission or omission acts in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Society the following procedures will apply.
20.1 The Committee will appoint an Investigation Committee of three of its members to investigate the issue and interview all persons concerned including the committee member and make any reasonable enquiries in order to establish the facts.
20.2 The Investigation Committee having completed a report on its enquiries will provide a copy to the Committee and to the Committee member concerned for their consideration.
20.3 Within a reasonable period thereafter but not exceeding one month, the Committee in the absence of the Trustee’s will convene a special meeting to hear from the Investigating Committee in the presence of the Committee member concerned, who may also make a statement/submission and produce any documents in response to the complaint.
20.4 The Committee in the absence of the Investigation Committee and the member concerned will determine if the complaint has or has not been proven. If proven, the Committee may apply sanctions as follows; advice, censure, temporary suspension from the Committee and suspension from the Committee for up to three years and communicate their finding and sanction in writing to the member concerned.
20.5 Up to one month following receipt of the finding and sanction applied by the Committee, the Committee member concerned may lodge an appeal against the finding and/or sanction by notice in writing to the General Manager.
20.6 On receipt of an appeal the Committee will within one month set up an Appeals Board consisting of one Trustee of the Society and two independent persons unconnected with the Society. The Appeals Board will hear a report/submission from the Investigation Committee and from the member concerned and from any witnesses that he/she may wish to produce. They may also hear from any persons they consider appropriate and relevant to the issue.
20.7 The Appeals Board may determine the issue as proven or not. If proven, they may affirm the sanction applied by the Committee or vary it within the parameters outlined in rule 20.4. They will communicate their decision in writing to the member concerned and to the Committee and their decision is binding on both parties.


21. On the occasion of its first meeting, following election, the Committee shall elect from amongst its members a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a recording Secretary.


22. The Committee shall employ under contractual agreement a suitably qualified person as General Manager. The General Manager shall perform such duties and may receive such remuneration as the Committee may direct. The General Manager shall hold office and may be removed at any time in accordance with the provisions contained in these rules and their contract of employment. The General Manager shall, at the request of the Committee, attend all meetings of the Committee, Sub-Committees and of the members of the Society. The General Manager shall not be entitled to vote at any such meeting. He shall receive applications for admission to the Society He shall produce all books, documents, property and money of the Society in his possession and render a full and clear account at each audit and whenever required by resolution of the Committee or by the Trustees. He shall also pay over all monies and give up all books, documents and property belonging to the Society when ordered to do so by the Committee or by the Trustees.
He shall summon and give notice of all meetings of the Committee or of members of the Society, and keep the accounts, documents, and papers of the Society in such manner and for such purposes as the Committee may appoint.
The General Manager shall receive all applications for benefit from the Society and shall prepare and send all returns and other documents required by the Friendly Societies Acts 1896 - 2021, or the Statutory Regulations, to be sent to the Registrar of Friendly Societies. The General Manager shall, on all occasions, in the execution of his office act under the superintendence, control and direction of the Committee.


22A. The Committee shall employ a suitably qualified person as Deputy General Manager who shall work under the direction of the General Manager and Committee. Their duties and responsibilities shall be set out in their terms of appointment. They shall at all times comply with any reasonable request of the Chairperson, General Manager or Treasurer. They shall attend any meetings at the request of the Committee but shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings.
The Deputy General Manager shall assume the responsibilities and perform such duties of the General Manager as necessary in the absence of the General Manager.


23. The Committee may appoint a suitably qualified person as Treasurer, who also may be the General Manager. The Treasurer shall hold office during the will and pleasure of the Committee for the time being and may be removed at any time, in accordance with the provisions of these rules and the term of their appointment. The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Society which are not invested and pay all demands when ordered to do so by the Committee. He shall balance his accounts at the end of each financial year and shall produce all books, documents, property and money of the Society in his possession and render a full and clear account at each audit, and whenever required by resolution of the Committee. He shall also give up all books, documents, monies and property of the Society in his possession when required to do so by the Trustees.
The Treasurer shall give receipts for monies received by him on a form as prescribed by the Committee for that purpose. He shall balance his cash account monthly and supply the General Manager with a duplicate thereof. Where the General Manager is the Treasurer, the duplicate shall be supplied to the Deputy General Manager. They shall at the request of the Committee attend meetings of the Committee, Sub Committee and of members of the Society, but unless he is a member of the Committee, he shall not vote on any matter to be decided at a meeting of that Body.


24. The Committee shall employ a suitably qualified member of the Society as Secretary who shall work under the direction of the General Manager, Deputy General Manager and Committee. Their duties and responsibilities shall be set out in their terms of appointment. They shall at all times comply with any reasonable request of the Chairman, General Manager, Deputy General Manager, or Treasurer. They shall attend any meetings at the request of the Committee but shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings.


25. The Recording Secretary shall record correctly the names of the persons present at each meeting and the minutes of the proceedings, which he shall transcribe into a book to be authenticated by the signature of the Chairman as the proceedings of the meeting.


26. The Committee shall have the power at its first meeting held next after the expiration of fourteen days from the time a vacancy occurs to fill such vacancy by co-option from among the members of the Society in the Province concerned (a) The unsuccessful candidate with the next highest number of votes, willing to serve, at the most recent election or (b) where there are no unsuccessful candidates or where all the unsuccessful candidates do not wish to serve on the Committee, by co-option from amongst the members of the Society in that Province. Provided, however, that a vacancy among the officers of the Society shall be filled in accordance with the provision of these rules.


27. In the event of any vacancy or vacancies occurring during their term of office among the officers of the Society such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled in the following manner, that is to say:
(a) Where a vacancy occurs amongst the officers of the Society the Committee shall at its next meeting elect one of its members to fill such vacancy and the person so elected shall be a member of the Committee and an officer of the Society in the same way and subject to the same limitations as if he had been elected to the position pursuant to the provisions of Rule 21 of these rules.


28. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held not later than the thirtieth day of April of every year.
All motions for the Annual General Meeting must be with the General Manager six weeks before the date on which the Annual General Meeting is to be held.
(a) If, due to unforeseen circumstances the Annual General Meeting is postponed, it shall be rearranged as soon as practicable thereafter and if this is not possible, the Committee may decide to convene a virtual online Annual General Meeting.
(b) The postponement of an Annual General Meeting in any circumstance shall not interfere with the ongoing management of the Society’s affairs or impinge upon or delay the implementation of the rules of the Society.


29. The Committee may, whenever necessary, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Society to consider special business as determined essential by the Committee and which may be dealt with as if the Extraordinary General Meeting were the actual Annual General Meeting.


30. The Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary but not less than once in every quarter. In the event of a Public Health Emergency or a State of Emergency exists which decrees that gatherings of members of the public are restricted thus preventing the gathering of members of the Committee in a specified place, the Officers of the Society may determine that such meetings be held by electronic means. In circumstances where it is determined by the Officers of the Society that a meeting of the Committee is necessary, as a matter of urgency, such meeting may be held by electronic means following not less than twelve hours’ notice of such meeting issued by electronic means. Such provisions shall only take effect when the Officers of the Committee are satisfied that all Committee members have access to facilities for the conduct of such electronic meetings.


31. The General Manager shall, upon receipt of a requisition signed by one or more of the trustees, or by not fewer than five members of the Committee convene a special meeting of the Committee to consider such special business as shall be specified in the requisition. Such special meetings shall be convened within fourteen days after the receipt of the requisition by the General Manager, and not less than three clear days’ notice thereof, specifying the special business to be considered thereat, shall be given to every member entitled to attend such meeting.


32. The Committee shall, upon receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not fewer than four hundred members of the Society, convene a General Meeting of the members of the Society to consider the business specified in such requisition and such other business, if any, as, in the opinion of the Committee, is proper to be considered at such meeting.


33. Every requisition to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Society, shall specify the nature of the business, and the precise terms of any resolution which it is proposed to submit to each meeting, and a meeting required by any such requisition to be convened shall be convened within one month after the receipt of such requisition by the General Manager.


34. In normal circumstances not less than three clear days’ notice of any meeting of the Committee specifying the place, the day, and the hour of the meeting, and in the case of all special business the nature of such business and the precise terms of such resolution which it is proposed to submit to the meeting shall be given to every member of the Committee.


35. Every Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Society shall be convened by notice by ordinary post or email to each member, 21 days in advance, specifying the place, the day, and the hour of the meeting, and in general terms the nature of the business it is convened to consider, and included in such notice the precise terms of any resolutions that it is proposed to submit to the meeting, and also attached thereto a balance sheet showing the final transaction involving the Society, duly audited for the relevant year under discussion at that particular meeting.
A notice may be given by the Committee to any member either personally or by sending it by post or email addressed to him at his registered address or email address. Any notice sent by post or email shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter or email containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of the post or email.
(a) If the Annual General Meeting is postponed and is reconvened at a later date either at a venue or by virtual online means, it shall be sufficient to provide notice to the membership of the reconvened Annual General Meeting seven days in advance by the means set out in rule 35.


36. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at such place and at such time as the Committee decides.


37. The Committee may constitute and appoint and act by sub-committees of any of its members and may delegate to any such sub-committee such of their powers as they may in their discretion think fit, provided that no such sub-committee shall consist of fewer than three members. The Chairman shall be an ex-officio member of all Sub-Committees.


38. The Chairman shall, where practicable, preside as Chairman at every meeting of the Committee. In the absence from any meeting of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman the members present shall choose some one of their number to be Chairman of such meeting. Every member present shall have one vote. The Chairman of every meeting shall regulate the proceedings thereof, and every question properly submitted to the meeting shall be decided in accordance with standing orders, and in the case of an equality of votes he shall have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member. A declaration by the Chairman of a meeting that a resolution has been carried, and an entry to that effect in the minute book, shall be sufficient evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.
38.1 Where a committee member finds himself with a clear and definable conflict of interest on an issue under discussion at the committee, such committee member shall absent himself from the committee meeting while it is considered. If he fails to do so and the committee are satisfied that there is a clear and definable conflict of interest, the committee may with the consent of two thirds of the members present, suspend the committee member concerned for the period the issue is under discussion.


39. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Committee unless there are present for the transaction of ordinary business a quorum of nine members, and for the transaction of special business a quorum of fourteen members.


40. The Chairman of any meeting may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn it from time to time or from place to place.


41. So much of the Society’s monies as may not be required for immediate use or to meet its normal accruing liabilities shall, with the consent of the Committee, be invested by the Trustees in any of the following ways:
(a) In public funds, or
(b) In any security authorised by law for the investment of trust funds.
The investments of the Society may, from time to time with the sanction of the Committee, be varied in the interest of the Society, and for the purpose of such variation may be realised from time to time.


42. The Committee shall cause the bank account to be kept in the name of the Society. All cheques issued on behalf of the Society shall bear two signatures. The signatories shall be any two of the following persons, General Manager, Secretary, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and one other person as decided by the Committee from time to time.


43. All expenditure that the Committee shall deem requisite for the proper carrying out of the objects and purposes of the Society shall be a first charge on the monies thereof.
No expense shall be incurred on behalf of the Society by any person on any account whatsoever unless such expense shall have been previously authorised by the Committee. All accounts of authorised expenditure shall be sent to the General Manager, and, having been allowed by the Committee shall be defrayed by the Treasurer out of the income of the Society.


44. The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all receipts, credits, payments and liabilities of the Society, and of all other matters necessary for showing the financial position of the Society.


45. The Committee shall cause the accounts of the Society to be regularly entered in proper books. A statement of the receipts and disbursements of the monies of the Society shall be prepared at the close of each financial year and shall be submitted, after examination by the auditors, for the consideration of the Annual General Meeting next following.
The Committee shall lay before the meeting an account of the income and expenditure of the Society for the year ended on the preceding 31st day of December, together with a statement exhibiting truly and correctly the financial position of the Society.


46. Before every Annual General Meeting of the Society, the Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Society for the preceding year shall be examined and their correctness ascertained and certified by one of the public auditors appointed under the Act. The auditors shall have access to the books and accounts of the Society, shall examine the balance sheet and verify it with the accounts, vouchers, deeds, documents and securities, and shall sign it if found by them to be correct, duly vouched and in accordance with law, or specially report to the Society in what respect they find it incorrect, unvouched, or not in accordance with law.
The auditors who sign the certificate and balance sheet must examine the accounts for the whole of the year to which it relates.
The auditors shall be appointed by the Committee.


47. It shall be the duty of the Committee to keep a copy of the last annual balance sheet, together with any special report of the auditors, always available for inspection by any member of the Society at the office of the General Manager of the Society, and it shall be the duty of the General Manager to produce such balance sheet or report at his office on demand by a member of the Society.
The Society shall cause to be kept always hung up in a conspicuous place at its registered office a copy of the last annual balance sheet and of the last quinquennial valuation, together with a copy of any special report of the auditors thereon.


48. The Committee shall cause the accounts of the Society to be available for inspection by any member having an interest in the funds of the Society at all reasonable hours at the registered office of the Society, or at any place where the accounts are kept and it shall be the duty of the General Manager to produce the said accounts accordingly.


49. Every year before the 31st day of May the Committee shall cause the General Manager to send to the Registrar the Annual Return in the form prescribed by the Registrar of Friendly Societies, of the receipts and expenditure, funds and effects of the Society, and of the number of members of the Society up to the thirty first day of December then last inclusively, and audited and laid before an Annual General Meeting, together with a copy of any special report of the auditors. Such return shall state whether the audit has been conducted by a statutory auditor appointed under the Act, and by whom.


50. It shall be the duty of the Committee to provide the General Manager with a sufficient number of copies of the last annual return, or of some balance sheet or of some other document duly audited containing the same particulars as in the annual return as to the receipts and expenditure, funds and effects of the Society, for supplying gratuitously every member interested in the funds of the Society, on his application with a copy of the last annual return of the Society, or of such balance sheet or other document for the time being, and it shall be the duty of the General Manager to supply such gratuitous copies on application accordingly.


51. Once at least in every five years the assets and liabilities of the Society (including the estimated risks and contributions) shall be valued in the manner provided by the Act by a valuer to be appointed by the Society.
It shall be the duty of the valuer at the cost of the Society to make a report to be signed by him on the condition of the Society, and also an abstract result of his valuation in the form prescribed by the Registrar. On receiving such report it shall be the duty of the Committee as soon as conveniently may be to call a meeting and to lay such report and the abstract of the result of the valuation before such meeting.
It shall be the duty of the General Manager to forward such report and abstract to the Registrar and to prepare and forward therewith a statement containing such information with respect to the benefits assured and the contributions receivable by the Society, and its funds and effects, debts, and credits as the Registrar may require.


52. Separate accounts shall be kept of all monies received or paid on account of any particular fund or benefit assured by the Society for which a special contribution is payable, distinct from all monies received and paid on account of any other benefit or fund.
A separate account shall also be kept of the expenses of management of the Society.


53. Upon application by writing under their hands, one fifth of the total number of members of the Society, or if the number of members is a thousand or over then such number of members as is pre-scribed by the Act, may apply to the Registrar for an investigation of the affairs of the Society, or for the calling of a special meeting of the Society for the winding up of the Society.


54. The rules of the Society are available to view and to print on our website at or a copy will be provided from the Society's office free of charge to any member requesting same.


55. A new rule shall not be made, nor shall any of the Rules herein contained or hereafter to be made, be amended, altered, or rescinded, unless with the consent of a majority present at the Annual General Meeting of the Society except in the case of rule 17 where a two thirds majority will apply. Any specific amendment of rule 17 which has been rejected by the annual general meeting shall not be considered again before the 3rd subsequent annual general meeting.
A new rule or any amendment of a rule shall not be valid until registered. A copy of such a new rule or amendment, signed by three members and the Secretary, shall be sent to the Registrar.


56. There shall be three trustees of the Society, each entitled to serve a term of six years commencing at the conclusion of the annual general meeting at which they are appointed and extending to the conclusion of the sixth subsequent annual general meeting. The current most senior trustee will retire at the conclusion of the AGM in 2010 and one trustee will retire every second year thereafter and replacements will be appointed in accordance with these rules.
Candidates for position of trustee will be members of the Society in good standing and are not declared bankrupt, excluding employees of the Society and will be nominated by four members of the committee at the committee meeting prior to the annual general meeting every second year. In the event of more than one candidate being nominated, the committee itself by secret ballot will determine the name to go forward to the annual general meeting for appointment. A trustee cannot hold any other office in the Society. An outgoing trustee shall be eligible for reappointment.
The General Manager shall send to the Registrar a copy of every resolution appointing a trustee or trustees within fourteen days after the date of the meeting whereat such resolution was passed, in the form prescribed by the Statutory Regulation in that behalf, and such resolution shall be signed by the trustee or trustees so appointed and by the General Manager of the Society.
All property and assets belonging to the Society, whether acquired before or after the registration of the Society, shall vest in the trustees for the time being of the Society for the use and benefit of the Society and of the members thereof, and of all persons claiming through such members according to the rules of the Society. A trustee who is declared bankrupt shall cease to be a trustee with immediate effect.
A trustee may relinquish his office as trustee by twenty one days’ notice in writing addressed to the General Manager of his intention to do so.
In the event of any trustee dying, resigning or being removed from, or otherwise ceasing to hold office, a new trustee shall be appointed at the next annual general meeting but otherwise in the manner provided in this rule for the appointment of trustees and such member shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of the member he/she is replacing.


57. The Trustees shall be admitted to all meetings of the Society, and of the Committee, and shall be at liberty to take part in the proceedings thereof, but shall not be entitled, as Trustees, to vote on any question under discussion.


58. The trustees shall be the persons to sue or be sued on behalf of the Society. The trustees shall not be liable to make good any deficiency in the funds of the Society but shall be liable only for such sums of money as shall be actually received by them on account of the Society. All deeds, documents of title, and securities for money shall be held by the trustees, and they shall take such measures for the safe custody and preservation thereof, at the expense of the Society, as they shall think fit, and they shall be responsible for the safe custody of all such deeds, documents and securities as are placed in their hands or under their control, and shall produce them for inspection by the auditors when required by them, and whenever else required by resolution of a meeting of the Committee.
(a) Business contracts negotiated by the Society with all suppliers shall be signed by the General Manager on behalf of the Committee.
(b) Employment Contracts with the Claims Assessors and Office Staff shall be signed by the Chairman and General Manager on behalf of the Committee.
(c) Employment Contracts with the General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Treasurer and Secretary shall be signed by the Chairman and one Trustee on behalf of the Committee.


59. If either of the above shall arise between a member or a person claiming through a member or under the rules of the Society, or any person aggrieved who has ceased to be a member, or any person claiming through such person aggrieved, and the Society, or any officer of the Society, it shall be decided by reference to the Committee whose decision shall be final.


60. The Society may at any time be dissolved by the consent of five sixths in value of the members testified by their signatures to an instrument of dissolution in the form provided by the Statutory Regulations in that behalf, and also by the written consent of every person for the time being receiving or entitled to receive any relief, annuity, or other benefit from the funds, unless the claim of that person is first duly satisfied, or adequate provision made for satisfying such claim.
The value of members shall be ascertained by giving one vote to every member, and then an additional vote for every five years that he has been a member, but no member shall have more than five votes.


61. Standing Orders for the guidance of the Committee in the management of the Society in accordance with the provisions of these rules shall, as occasion may require, be drafted by the Committee and be submitted for the consideration of the Annual General Meeting.


62. Every Standing Order approved and ratified by the Annual General Meeting shall take effect upon approval.


63. No Standing Order shall be suspended, except with the consent of two thirds of the members present.


64. The Committee may prescribe such forms as may be deemed necessary or desirable for the purpose of giving full force and effect to these rules and may, from time to time, add to, vary, or amend any form so prescribed.


65. All correspondence in relation to the business of the Society shall be addressed to the General Manager, St. Paul’s Garda Medical Aid Society. Correspondence may be given to any member personally or may be sent to any member at his registered address or email address. Any correspondence sent by post or email shall be deemed to have been delivered.


66. In these rules, unless there be something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith:-
(a) The expression “the Force” means Garda Siochana
(b) “Writing” includes typewriting, printing, lithography and any other mode of representing or reproducing words or figures in a visible form.
(c) Words importing the singular number include also the plural and words importing the plural number include also the singular.
(d) Words importing the masculine gender include also the feminine gender.
(e) The “Society” shall mean Cumann Naoimh Pol Liaigh-Chonganta An Gharda (St. Paul’s Garda Medical Aid Society).
(f) The “Committee” shall mean the Committee of the Society constituted in accordance with these rules.
(g) “member” shall have the meaning defined in Rule 2.
(h) The expression “the Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Garda Siochana.
(j) “The Act” shall mean the Friendly Societies Act, 1896.
(k) The expression “dependant” means the wife/husband of the member, or at the election of the member, the partner of the member, children of the member including adopted or fostered children and the children of the spouse or partner of the member provided the spouse or partner are on cover with the Society, living with and financially supported by the member up to twenty nine years of age.
(l) The expression “partner” means any person who is nominated by the member in writing and who is living as the husband or wife of the member and in the same household.