St Paul's
Garda Medical Aid Society
Garda Crest
Latest Circulars 24th Mar 2025 Notification of AGM 2025
  6th Jan 2025 Nomination Paper/Election 2025
  13th Dec 2024 Christmas Circular 2024

Common Questions

I want to place my Spouse/Partner/child on cover – what do I do?

Print a Membership Form from our website, complete it in full and attach all relevant documents and send it to the Society for our attention.

I want to cease cover of a person on my policy – what do I do?

Send an email or letter to us with your instruction outlined in detail.

Who can sign the Member’s Claim Form?

The members claim form should be signed and submitted by the member and submit one claim for all persons on cover.

Can my children over 18 years of age remain on cover with the Society?

Yes – Your children aged 18 and up to 29 years of age can remain on cover with the Society. Various discounts on the adult subscription rate apply depending on the age of your child – please see the “Benefits and Rates” section of the website for the various rates.

When can I add a new born child to my cover?

New born children are covered immediately provided they are registered with the Society and appropriate subscription is paid from date of birth.

I am going into hospital will I be covered in a Private Room?

No - The Society provides full cover for a Semi Private Room in all Hospitals in the State be they Public or Private hospitals.

What Hospitals are covered?

All hospitals in the State, both Public and Private are covered.

How do I know if a procedure is covered?

The Society covers inpatient procedures in public and private hospitals – get the procedure code number and we can verify your cover for it.

Is my Consultant covered by the Society?

The Society cover all Consultants who offer treatment to private patients.

Does the Society cover Convalescent care after Surgery?

Yes - We pay up to €600 per week for max of 2 weeks in a 12 month period and pro rata if less than a week where such care is ordered by your treating consultant after surgery.

What is the cover for Maternity?

Your confinement is covered in full in a semi private room and €1,700 is paid towards all costs incurred in a normal delivery and €1,900 towards a Caesarean Section delivery.

Am I covered to attend a Private A&E facility?

The Society will refund you €70 towards the cost of attending all A&E facilities, both Public and Private – you will have to pay all charges in excess of this which could be very substantial in the case of Private A&E’s.

If I go abroad for a procedure will it be covered?

No. If you go abroad to get a procedure carried out that is not available in Ireland, the HSE is obliged to cover it under your PRSI entitlement in The Treatment Abroad Scheme.

Do the Society provide Travel Insurance or cover me when I am abroad?

No – the Society is not licenced to sell travel insurance and does not cover you when abroad. You are strongly advised to acquire Travel insurance when going abroad and reply No to the question on the travel insurance website “Do you have Private Health Insurance that covers you abroad”. This is a very important as your travel insurance could be invalid if you reply Yes to this question.

I am retiring from the Garda Siochana - What do I need to do to keep my cover with the medical aid Society?

Contact the Society when you know the date you are retiring and we will make the necessary arrangements. It will take 8 weeks approx. to set up deductions from your Garda pension. We will let you know the amount to cover this interim period which you can pay by card over the phone or by forwarding a cheque.

What is the benefit for my prescription drugs?

You pay the first €20, we pay the next €60 and you pay any amount over €80 up to the maximum charge of €124 per month. All drugs claimed must have a drugs code to receive this benefit. Over the counter drugs are not covered. The Society has a valuable arrangement with Healthwave for members – see details on website at “Healthwave Prescription Service”

What is the benefit for hearing aids?

The Society pays 60% of the cost to a maximum of €1,000 per ear, once every 3 years. This benefit will be paid on the balance remaining on the invoice after your PRSI entitlement has been deducted by your supplier. If you have no PRSI entitlement, have your supplier confirm this on the receipt.

Where can I get an MRI, CT, X Ray, and Ultrasound that will be billed directly to Garda Medical Aid by the provider?

Go to the MRI & CT Scans section of the website which provides name, address and phone numbers of such providers.

What am I entitled to for a dental examination, scale, polish, dentures and spectacles?

The Society does not cover dental examinations, scaling, polishing, dentures or spectacles. Your PRSI record does provide assistance towards these costs – visit the Dept. of Social Protection website for details.

What benefits are restricted?

The following are covered to a maximum of 60% of the cost and are subject to a maximum payment of €25 per visit and subject to a maximum of 10 visits in a 12 month period.

Counsellors and PsychologistsAcupunctureSpeech Therapy

Will a completed dental form suffice as a receipt?

No – you must provide a separate paid receipt from your dentist.

Can I get tax relief on my Subscriptions?

You are already receiving tax relief on your subscriptions as it is given at source by the Revenue Commissioners to the Society.

I forget my login password – what do I do?

Click “forgotten password” and follow the instructions to acquire a new password to get access. You can then change this password to one of your own choosing. If you have difficulty, contact the office and we will cancel your registration on the website and you can login as if you were doing so for the first time.

When will my claim be paid?

Our aim is to have claims paid within 3 weeks of arrival in the office and in a most cases payment is made in a much shorter period. Claims are paid directly into your bank or credit union account.

What do I do if medical expenses are incurred following an RTA or an Injury on Duty?

Tick the appropriate box on the claim form, inform the Society of the date of the incident and complete the undertakings form and have your Solicitor do likewise (Undertaking Forms available to download in the Forms Section of the website). Identify each claim relevant to the incident. The Society will collate the claims and have them available when required for Court etc.

If you were injured on duty and are not pursuing a Garda Compensation Act claim – then the State are responsible for your medical treatment – submit all your treatment invoices directly to your District Office on a form A8 and they will arrange payment to the supplier or to you if you paid the invoice yourself.